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The latest quarantine results from Japan's health ministry show that the quality of eel in China is
Add Time:2015.04.30    Hits:3444
Tokyo, April 27 (xinhua) -- the latest quarantine results from Japan's health ministry show that the quality of eel in China is excellent, the Tokyo news reported Thursday. The Chinese eels' failure rate is 0.2 percent, compared with 0.7 percent of the world's average import food, and the Chinese eel's report card is excellent. The ratio is also much lower than the rate of Japanese exports to the United States. Even if substandard products, Chinese eels are detected with a trace of the drug. "China's breeding ponds are much healthier than those of Japan's over-dense breeding ponds," said yoshikawa, a Japanese food consultant. The same test results also involved Chinese shrimp and honey, the report said.
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